

编辑:知行翻译   浏览量:0    时间:2017-07-17

  集成电路 integrated circuit 石油化工翻译

  可编程逻辑控制器 programmable logic controller

  暂态过程 transient process

  有功、无功、视在功率 active//reactive//apparent power

  高通、低通、带通滤波器 high pass//low pass//band pass filter

  单位负反馈 unit negative feedback

  温度传感器 temperature sensor

  稳态响应 steady state response

  片内存储 On-chip memory

  控制理论和控制工程 control theory and control engineering

  最优控制 optimal control

  自适应控制 self-adaptive control

  根轨迹 root focus

  相平面 phase plane

  升压、降压变压器 booster //step down transformer

  发射极、发射结 emitter// emitter junction

  相位超前、滞后 phase lead//lag

  三相同步、异步响应电机 three phase synchronous//nonsynchronous response motor

  三相对称电源、负载 three phase Symmetry power//load

  三相四线制 three phase four-wire system

  过程控制 process control

  晶闸管 thyristor

  电流转化器 Current converter

  温度调节器 Temperature regulator

  线性、非线性控制系统 Linear//nonlinear control system

  误差校正系统 Error correction system

  交流电机 alternating current motor

  理想运放 ideal operational amplifier

  开环、闭环增益 Open//Closed loop gain

  工厂供电 Factory power supply

  架空传输线 Overhead transmission lines

  串联、并联谐振 Series //Parallel resonant

  异步电机 Asynchronous motor

  多智能体 multi-agent

  特征方程、根 Characteristic equations//roots

  变频器、开关 inverter// Frequency conversion switch

  电机拖动 Motor drive

  人工智能 Artificial intelligence

  汽车电子 Automobile electronic

  楼宇自动化 Building automation

  逐次逼近 Successive approximation

  采样保持 Sampling keep

  量化编码 Quantitative coding

  嵌入式系统 Embedded system

  本真半导体 True semiconductor

  模拟、数字电子技术 Analog//Digital electronic technology

  信息高速公路 Information highway 石油化工翻译

  电子设计自动化 Electronic design automation

  1、晶体三极管的输入输出特性曲线测试是模拟电子技术中最基本的实验之一。The test of characteristic curve for input and output of crystal triode is one of the most basic experiments in analog electronic technology.

  2、近十年来,计算机通信和计算机网络技术获得了飞速发展,从而使人们能共享更多的信息资源,得到更多更快的信息服务。In recent decade, computer communications and computer network technology achieved rapid development, which let people share more information resources, get more and faster information services.

  3、随着微电子技术性能和价格上的革命,数字式自动化系统现在已经研制并用于电气系统。With the recent revolution in microelectronic technical performance and price, digital automation system has been researched and used for electrical system.

  4、嵌入式系统是将先进的计算机技术、半导体技术、电子技术以及各个行业的具体应用相结合后的产物,这一点就决定了它必然是一个计数密集、资金密集高度分散,不断创新的知识集成系统。Embedded system is a combination of advanced computer technology, semiconductor technology, electronic technology and specific applications in various industries,which determines that it must be acount -intensive, capital-intensive, highly dispersed and continuously innovative knowledge integratedsystem

  5. 电力企业迫切需要一套从信息采集、信息处理到信息传递共享的高度自动化的办公系统Electric enterprises urgently need a set of highly automatic office system which can collect, process, transmit and share information.

  6. 电子设计自动化EDA技术已渗透到电子系统和专用集成电路设计的各个环节,该技术在电子设计和仿真中的应用,使电路的设计、调整和改进更加高效和便捷Electronic design automation, EDA technology has infiltrated into all aspects of the electronic system and the special integrated circuit design, whose application in the electronic design and simulation makes the circuit’s design, adjustment and improvement more efficient and convenient.

  7. 计算机的速度和能力主要取决于工程师们能否把越来越多的电子线路和开关压缩到芯片中The speed and capacity of computer mainly depends on whether the engineers can compress more and more electronic circuits and switching into a chip or not.

  8. 本文介绍了汽车电动后视镜控制电路的原理图,并且分析了它的工作原理和故障解决方法This paper introduces that the principle diagram for the control circuit of the car’s electric rear mirror and analyses its working principle and the solution of fault removing.

  9. 模式识别和智能系统是20世纪60年代以来在信息处理、人工智能、控制论、计算机技术等学科的基础上发展起来的新型学科。Pattern recognition and intelligence system are new development disciplines developed since 1960s, which are based on information processing, artificial intelligence, control cybernetics, computer technology.



