英语翻译技能 归化 (Adaptation)由于文化上的差异,英译汉时有时直译原文就会使译入语读者感到费解,甚至误解。这时,就有必要借用汉语中意义相同或相近、且具有自己鲜明文化色彩的表达法对原文加以归化。
1) have a wolf by the ears 骑虎难下
2) to be cut at elbows 捉襟见肘
3) at sword’s points 强烈分歧
4) Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无词
5) A little pot is soon hot 量小易怒
6) I don’t understand how he can think she is good-looking, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
7) He may always possess merits which make up for everything; if he loses on the swings, he may win on the roundabouts.
8) It was a case of diamond cut diamond. They thought they were going to beat Barcelona. In fact they lost the game 0:3.
9) All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day they’ll come out on top.
10) The students must be enjoying the speech, because they’re laughing their heads off.
1) At present people have a tendency to choose the safety of the middle-ground reply.
2) The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants.
3) Aunt Julia vainly asked each of her neighbours in turn to tell her what Gabriel had said.
4) The American commander, Admiral Nimitz, was understandably reluctant to join the battle.
Ø 短语分译
1) The intent to make an immediate gift must be clear and unmistakable, and the transfer must take immediate and permanent effect.
2) Built in 1192, the bridge is over 700 hundred years old.
3) Several blocks from the park, running parallel to it, Clement Street bustles like a second Chinatown with dozens of ethnic restaurants.
Ø 句子分译
1) His wealth enables him to do everything.
2) His contemptuous attitude towards us is contemptible.
汉译英翻译重点 主语的确定
1) 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。
a) The turn of the century finds China most attractive on the diplomatic arena.
b) At the turn of the century, China is very active in its diplomatic activities.
Great changes have taken place in China.
China has witnessed tremendous changes.
2) 一九六四年十月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,使世界大为震惊。
a. China’s first atomic blast in October, 1964 was a great shock to the rest of the
b. In October, 1964, China blasted its first atomic bomb, which shocked the rest of the world greatly.
3) 胎又瘪了。
a. We’ve got another flat tire.
b. Our tire is flat again.
4) 人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。
a. It is impossible to judge people from their appearance, and impossible to measure the ocean by pints.
b. We can’t judge people from their appearance, just as we can’t measure the ocean by pints.
1、 推敲语境
2、 考虑英语语法习惯和行文的需要
Silence, silence! Unless we burst out, we shall perish in this silence!
It’s blowing hard.
You realize your ideals through labor and you guide your labor by ideals.
1) 中国社会主义建设的航船将乘风破浪的驶向现代化的光辉彼岸。
a. The ship of China’s socialist construction will brave the wind and waves and sail to the glorious destination of modernization.
b. China will stride forward in building socialism, like a ship braving the wind and the waves, towards the glorious destination of modernization.
2) 我们之间关系的发展使我们不仅成为亲密的朋友,而且成为兄弟。
a. The development of our relations has made us not only close friends but also brothers.
b. Our relations have so grown that bind us not only as close friends but also as brothers.
3) 他心直口快,总是愿意和任何人交朋友,所以很快就赢得了大家的信任。
a. His outspokenness and readiness to make friends with anyone soon won their trust.
b. He was very outspoken and always ready to make friends with anyone, so he won their trust.
4) 中国的富强和发展不会对任何国家构成威胁。
a. A strong, prosperous and developed China will pose no threat to any countries.
b. The strength, prosperity and development of China will pose no threat to any countries.
5) 轻纺工业产品的花色品种增多,质量继续有所提高。
a. The designs and variety of light industrial and textile products have increased and their quality has continued to improve.
b. Light industry and textile products are now available in better designs and quality and richer variety.
6) 楼的质量不好。
a. The building is not well built.
b. The quality of the building is poor.
Storms gather without warning in nature and bad luck befalls men overnight.